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Forraljuk a tailbone-nál cukorbetegségben szenvedő betegben

Gyermekek cukorbetegségének kezelésére vonatkozó módszertan

Jun 8, 2011 That being said, the medical term for pain in the tailbone is coccydynia. tailbone upon defecation and when tightening the anal sphincter.A collection of disease information resources and questions answered by our Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Specialists for Coccygodynia.Often, a positional change of the coccyx is caused by overtension of the anal levator muscle. In more than one third of cases, coccygodynia has an idiopathic .A diagnosis of pain in the coccyx is based on your symptoms and physical has also been known to happen during sexual intercourse, particularly.Jun 24, 2017 Pain in the coccyx, or tailbone, can appear for a number of reasons, including injury, childbirth, and degeneration. Even something as simple.

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